Fulfilled Projects

On this page we present some projects that have been carried out by us:

* Hotel Playa Sur Tenerife, Tenerife Islas Canarias ,Espanya (des 2015)

* Sonnenwelt Touristik Beteiligungsgesellschaft ,Alemanya (des 2015)

* TTS Teneriffa Touristik Service Hamburgo, Alemanya (des 2015)

* Aktivreisen Hamburgo , Alemanya (des 2015)

* Kulturstudienreisen, Alemanya (des 2016)

* Surfen & Kiten, Espanya (des 2016)

* 24-7onlinetv.com Tenerife , Espanya (des 2016)

* 24-7mediaconcept.com, Espanya (des 2016)

* Forzanatura, Andorra (des 2017-fins 2018)

* Profex Marketing, Alemanya (des 2016)

* Fly und Surf.de, Alemanya (des 2016)

* worldlivestreaming.com, Espanya (des 2016)

* filmundercanarysun.com, Islas Canarias (des 2016)

* kompanie-ferrer.com, Austria (2019)

* 24-7barcelonatv.com, Espanya (2020)

* Requiem for a dancer 2020

* Ballerina (2021)

* Profex-marketing (Nou) (2021)

* Porjecte Intranet Hotel (2021)

* BHTuristics Nou (2022)

* EL Buner Nou (2022)


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Tel : + 376 682 715 o + 376 846 144

We are developing a new project for the elderly as well as for people with disabilities. Completion late approx. 2025

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